Fylde Coast Triathlon Club


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The swim sessions are co-ordinated by Chris Simms and the venue is the Lido Swimming Pool, Lytham Rd, Blackpool every Saturday from 4:30pm till 5:30pm. Entry for members is £2.

A note to members from Chris;

"I guarantee to improve your swim time"

Thats right - I guarantee to reduce your swim time between now and the Club Time Trials on the 7th and 8th of April.
Unfortunately there is a catch - your actually going to have to come down to the Saturday swim sessions and swim - that's right get in the water. Yes, completely in. Yes, in the big pool. Yes, for the whole hour.

Now I know this is fairly radical for some but it has been proved time and time again that if you actually get in the water and swim up and down on a regular basis then your swim times will improve. Unfortunately thinking, or even
talking, about it just doesn't have the same effect. Your only hope is to immerse yourself in a large body of water and swim.... And no your bath doesn't count as a large body of water.

So here's the challenge - you come down to the swim session in February after the club photo (the 24th) and do a 500m Time Trial. I guarantee to improve your time between then and the Club Time Trials in April. The only catch is that you have to come down to (and swim !) all the Saturday swim sessions in between and put in another session a week on your own. If you do this and still don't improve then I'll buy your beer in the Eagle and Child on the 8th of April. Its only 6 weeks

The added bonus to all this is that you'll help save the club session at the Lido pool. We used to have 3 lanes, last year the number of people attending
meant we could only justify needing 2 lanes, and sometimes we have barely enough to justify these. Without more members swimming on a regular basis we may lose
what is essentially 'free' club swimming time all together. If we have to start paying for a swim session again then the membership fees will have to go up to the previous levels of £20 -£30 or we lose a club swim session entirely. The choice is yours.

Chris Sims